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Commission Meeting Minutes

February 5, 2024

Minutes of the Regular Mid Bergen Meeting

James Fedorko, Health Officer, called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm who declared it had been advertised in accordance with the Open Public Meeting Act, Chapter 231 of the laws of 1975. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by James Fedorko.  

Roll Call


Paul Viola, Bogota

Patricia McHale, Bogota

Janet Grotsky, New Milford

Mary McNicholas, New Milford

Tina Mereos, River Edge

Also Present: James Fedorko, Health Officer, Bradley Wilson, Attorney, Daniel Dabrowski, Grant Director, Sarah Bombino, Health Planner, Valeria Melendez, Grant Project Manager

Approval of Minutes from the November 6, 2023, Board Meeting:

Paul Viola called for a motion to accept the minutes. A second motion was made by Mary McNicholas to accept the minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 6, 2023, as submitted.

Roll Call – All in Favor

Financial Reports:

The Health Officer presented the Financial Report for January 2024.The report indicated a net income of $84,985.06. On November 11, 2023, Paul Viola and James Fedorko went to the bank and got a Certificate of Deposit for an annual percent yield of 5.2% for the Mid-Bergen Regional Health Commission. (Attachment: MBRHC- PROFIT & LOSS – JANUARY).

The Grant Director, Daniel Dabrowski, provided an update on the Enhancing Grant total expenditure, stating that $1,237,738 has been spent. The Enhancing grant has been extended until June 2025 with no additional funding. Some notable achievements in the past year were, The Keep Bogota Clean Campaign, animal control reimbursement to all municipalities, and the construction of a new Mid-Bergen website launching in April 2024.

Health Officer Report:

James Fedorko submitted his Health Report with the agenda prior to the meeting (Attachment: Health Officer Report Nov 2023 to Jan 2024). James Fedorko thanked all the Board Members for volunteering their time to The Mid-Bergen Regional Health Commission Board. All Municipalities agreed to the 4% increase to provide public health services. On January 1, 2024, a 4% salary increase was given to Mid-Bergen employees.

Public Health Planner Report

The Health Planner, Sarah Bombino, shared Mid-Bergen Regional Health Commission Mission and Vision statements. She also discussed Mid-Bergen strategic priorities which include Disease prevention, Disease control, Sustainability, Health Education, and Health Promotion. This past fall, Mid-Bergen hosted 20 vaccination clinics, expanded partnerships, grew the Health Education Team, and implemented a successful Naloxone test distribution plan. The goal for 2024 will be to continue to address the strategic priorities, offer a curated approach, and maintain programming in the municipalities.  (Attachment: SBombino_MBRHC_HPReport2.5).

Old Business:

There were two updates in the Mid-Bergen By-laws. First, meetings will now be conducted via Zoom. Second, the updated requirement for representatives is one representative from each contracting town, previously it was two from each member town. Sarah Bombino and James Fedorko will start finding a representative for each municipality. (Attachment: Mid Bergen By- Laws 2023 II).

Janet Grotsky called for a motion to adopt the updated By-laws. A second motion was made by Paul Viola.

Roll call- All in favor. 

New Business:

Dr. David George has resigned from the Leonia Board of Health.

Appointment of New Board Member: 

Tina Mereos, Morristown’s Health Officer, and a resident of River Edge expressed appreciation for being nominated to represent River Edge. Bradly Wilson administered the oath for her appointment as a River Edge representative on the Mid-Bergen Regional Health Commission Board. Paul Viola acknowledged and congratulated Tina Mereos on her appointment, welcoming her to the board.

Public Comment: 

No public comment was made. 


A motion to close the meeting was made at 4:37 pm by Mary McNicholas and seconded by Paul Viola. All Board members were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Valeria Melendez

Grant Project Manager